Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Can't remember where you put that note?

Memory not quite what it used to be?
Maybe it never was?
So you take notes... but then you gotta FIND'EM 

Well unless you're gifted with a photographic memory,  your conscious mind can only handle about 7 items at a time... so you "take notes".. on everything, don't you!

Now the two most important questions I have for you are:
1) How do you store all of those notes?
2) How quickly can you retrieve the information when needed?

Unless you're the "ultra organizer", it takes tons of time to store your stuff in some type of database.... which requires a specific entry format, AND that requires a specific time consuming method of retrieval..  meaning you often say "Ahhh forget it!!" .... And you DO, "forget it" that is!..  And you probably "forget" WHERE you put the info as well... 

Check out the video below!!    
For "today's total information overload",  this could be the single most critical tool to keep your notes and information "at your fingertips".


Monday, October 24, 2011

Social media has ruined marketing.

Friday, October 7, 2011

This Critical Communication Skill actually "conflicts" with your Basic Conditioning: Its called LISTENING

Do you realize that you may NOT KNOW 
How to Listen Properly?

A point of interest is that most of us are taught and encouraged to "speak". Not counting "womb-time" you might say the very first thing you learned was that your "speaking" was rewarded.

Moments after your birth, the very first sound you made, your first cry, got you immediate attention, warmth, comfort, security, and cheers of joy. And with a few exceptions, your mind never forgets anything... ever!  And that's where you're "Basic Conditioning" started.

Fast-forward to present day, you were taught how to speak intelligently, to write, to read, to think, solve problems, etc., etc..  But can you recall ever being taught "how to listen"?  And I'm not referring to just shutting-up and waiting for someone else to finish talking for "your turn".

Regardless of the type, distance, or content of conversation, here are ten (10) items that a practiced "good listener" DOES NOT DO  (I'm certain that, as I found, some of these will bring an immediate "ouch!" to mind):
  • Don't tell "your story". Being silent during the other person's volley is excellent, but when it's your turn, unless specifically asked, no matter how tempted you may be, DO NOT follow with YOUR STORY.. AT ALL!  Stay with THEIR SUBJECT.  Otherwise you'll be saying "I really wasn't listening to YOU..  but here's MY STORY...".
  • Don't "formulate a response" while the other person is talking.  Wait until they're done.. Give a few seconds pause (to digest), and then respond.  If you were truly listening your response should come naturally. Sure you may take notes, but remember that you're listening for not just "content", but most importantly THEIR "emotions"!
  • Don't "finish sentences" for the other person. Not only does it insult them with interruptions, it says that you are listening to only content and probably NOT what is really being said. It does NOT say that you "think alike".
  • Don't "solve problems for them".  Unless you're asked, don't jump to the conclusion that you need to give them advice or a solution to their situation.  Don't automatically respond with YOUR solution.  Your job is to listen... They can solve their own problems.  They may simply be using you as a "sounding board". In which case they already have the solution.  If in doubt, ASK "And what may I do to help you?" (What do you expect of me by telling me this?)
  • Don't "give broad reassurance".  In response to a dilemma saying things like "You'll be fine"... "You're tough, you can handle it"...  "Don't worry, everything will be OK" is useless.
  • Don't "play God".  Doing "judgement" as to whether a person is right or wrong in your eyes is often aggravating and useless.  And you're probably telling them that at the point where you "judged them", you had already stopped listening.
  • Don't do a "Me Too".  Refers to the "same thing happened to me.  Again, this yanks the focus "away" from them and onto you... Definitely says that you didn't care and you weren't listening!
  • Don't do "Mind Reading". If you're not a bonafide psychic don't think that you can read the other person's mind. You may have a vague idea about what they're thinking, but chances are that you're only making an assumption.  Wait and listen to "what" they're saying and especially "how" they're saying it.
  • Don't "Straighten them out".  As with "judging", folks certainly don't  need you telling them where they went wrong! Unless you're specifically asked, just DON'T! 
  • Don't use a "hardened attitude".  If you use a mindset of "absolutes" as your guide, you've already lost.  Folks probably won't even bother to talk to you.  But if they do, you must remain "neutral" for YOUR mind to "listen" in the first place.   
 If you're going to be a truly successful listener, i.e.: a person that folks will really open up to, in addition to avoiding the "Don't's" try these DO's as well:
  • DO emulate a "psycho-analyst" or a "psychiatrist".  
  • DO Listen objectively with your heart and mind. Try to "feel" what the other person says...  and by all means let them finish verbalizing their thoughts before you draw any conclusions.
  • DO take notes if you like.
  • DO interrupt the other person ONLY if it's to gently "guide" them back on-track, or there's a matter that absolutely "cannot wait". 

Microsoft Outlook Calendar
"Making a Basic Appointment"
Another 5 minute lesson in using tools to streamline and simplify your life
Hints-n-Kinks with Baltimore Dave:

Got questions or suggestions? Please do "Post a Comment" or drop me a line at dave.dubrawsky@gmail.com

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Entrepreneur's 10 Minute Morale Booster

Your 10 Minute Morale Booster

Even though you may know you're not, as an entrepreneur you may often feel down, alone, and isolated.  Here's a quick way to remind yourself why you're doing what you're doing.

Kick-start your morale at the start of your business day......  start here (Keep it quick and simple.. one question at a time, jot down the first answer that comes to mind.. ):
  1. What am I happy about in my life right now?  How does that make me feel?
  2. What about my life am I excited about right now?   What about that excites me?
  3. What am I most proud about in my life right now?   What about that makes me feel proud?
  4. What am I grateful about in my life right now?  What about that makes me grateful?
  5. What am I enjoying most in my life right now?  What about that do I enjoy?
  6. What am I committed to in my life right now?  What about that makes me committed?
  7. Who do I love in my life, and who loves me?  What about them makes me love?  And how does that make me feel?
Once you've jotted down your answers, review them.   After a quick no-brainer read-back, I think you'll realize that you're in much better shape than you initially thought... 


  1. What am I happy about in my life right now?  How does that make me feel?
  1. I am free to live as I please.  Rids me of the burden of trying to please a boss of a company that doesn’t appreciate me.

  1. What about my life am I excited about right now?   What about that excites me?
  1. About the opportunities I see every day.  These Opportunities are massive (numerous).

  1. What am I most proud about in my life right now?   What about that makes me feel proud?
  1. Most proud of myself and my family for allowing me to "do my thing".  Feels "Accepted" and "Trusted"

  1. What am I grateful about in my life right now?  What about that makes me grateful?
  1. My Family, my community, friends.  That they have faith in me.

  1. What am I enjoying most in my life right now?  What about that do I enjoy?
  1. My freedom.  That I get to choose my destiny.

  1. What am I committed to in my life right now?  What about that makes me committed?
  1. I am committed to family, then my work.  I get to  practice my lifelong philosophy of "Work only to Live; Not Live only to work"!

  1. Who do I love in my life, and who loves me?  What about them makes me love?  And how does that make me feel?
  1. My family, friends, neighbors.  They care and trust me.  Thankful, supported, respected.

"Baltimore Dave" Dubrawsky

P.S.. If you need practice to "enjoy" yourself, don't give up...  Many of us do.. It just means you're definitely not as alone as you thought!!