Saturday, November 26, 2011

Success Tips: Your Social Networking Pages

In general, don't confuse Social Networking sites with “advertising sites”. Although you CAN use them to lead folks to your sales funnels, try not to make it obvious or annoying. Be it Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or any other Social Networking site, your primary consideration is to first create content that is "socially compliant" with the site's general "flavor". Your secondary consideration will be the tactful presentation of "advertising".

Of course there ARE many Social Networking pages that are dedicated to "advertising" (or perhaps "littered" so much that they "appear" dedicated... many Facebook "pages" for instance). And again, as long as your material "fits" the page it's perfectly acceptable.

Here are several tips you can use to make the most out of your social networking sites regarding marketing purposes:

1. Focus on a Specific Audience: ... Create a page that reaches a small target niche or service group. It’s typically better (and much easier) to target a small focused niche market than it is broad niches on social networking sites.

2. Be The Thoughtful Leader: ... Make it your goal to provide valuable and interesting content that people will want to check out and read. It’s always better to show your expertise in a market, or at solving your readers' problems than to just talk about your product.

Hint: Smart marketers live by WIIFM (What’s In It For Me). People really care less about your products. Sounds a bit pessimistic, but by nature we're all selfish creatures. We care mostly about how you can solve our problems. 

3. Be Yourself... and BE Real ... Impersonating someone is good for a joke. But it's a very foolish practice in marketing... And getting caught could irreparably damage your reputation.

4. Create Links: ... Link back to your own sites and blogs, and those of others in your industry/network. Links "build" the internet. They are vital, and folks appreciate them more than you know.

5. Encourage Folks to Contact You; After all "Social Networking"... Nuff Sed?: ... Make it easy for other folks to reach you online, and be sure to follow up personally.

6. Participation Is VITAL: ... Create groups so you can and participate in online discussions. Strive to become an organizer and a leader. If you like, you may partner with other folks on our own private forums. MAKE TIME to participate as a member in at minimum 6 other internet marketing forums. Hint: Remember, Excuses Are Easy AND Unnacceptable!... Links and Exposure are a MUST.

7. Make Your Page EASY To FIND: ... TAG YOUR PAGE and add it to subject directories. Encourage others to bookmark your pages and content on their favorite Social Bookmarking sites like Digg, Reddit, etc.

8. Don't Be Afraid to Experiment: ... Social Networking are great because you can try new things. If something doesn't work, adjust it, tweak it, or just dump it altogether and try another tack. So you're not an expert. There are folks out there that claim to be experts, but remember how fast things change on the internet, i.e.: Expert today... learning something new tomorrow.

To Your Success,
“Baltimore Dave” Dubrawsky

P.S.: Be sure to power-charge your day (and mine) by "Liking" this article AND following me on Twitter:
P.P.S.: Don't forget to go to so YOU too can "plug-in" and have the freedom to live your dream!

Traits and Skills of Great Copywriters

The term "Copywriter" often covers a bit more than just writing and marketing skills.  Not only do you have to get into the reader's mind, you need to keep them interested and entertained.  And in some cases you may need to do some "match-making", i.e.: match the reader's mindset with a specific product, and engage them with it (show them "why" they really must have it)... and all with your words and graphics.  To do this you need to have all of your material in a mentally smooth flowing and digestible form.

The one thing that is an "absolute must" is simple, but not so easy.  And that is once you've completed a piece, you MUST DISREGARD YOUR OWN POINT OF VIEW AS THE WRITER... AND VIEW THE PIECE AS A READER. It's always a good idea to have your piece reviewed by a cohort or third-party. The key question to ask them would be "Would this piece get you to buy the product?"

If you could watch their face or listen to their voice while they review the piece, it would immediately tell you whether the article is good or bad, and probably exactly where improvement is needed. Unless you can totally disassociate your mind from the article, and read it as the viewer, you really cannot be the judge of the content. 

Now, as far as what a copywriter needs to be a great copywriter, here are a few items (below) that I believe are needed:
A Great Copywriter needs to be:
  1. a superior time manager
  2. disciplined and well organized
  3. both an imaginative and patient researcher
  4. both detail and goal oriented
  5. an excellent listener or observer
  6. a selfsame-promoter and negotiator
  7. computer literate
  8. moderately well-versed in proper English, and often the local vernacular
  9. knowledgeable of the usage of the different elements of copy and how to use them, i.e.: headlines, lead lines, taglines and captions
  10. aware of the basic practices of advertising, marketing and public relations
  11. have a working knowledge of standard business and client protocols
  12. roughly familiar with the target market and industry for which piece is being created
Sounds like a lot right? Does every copywriter need to have all of these traits or talents?  Of course not! Some will be stronger and/or weaker in each area compared to others. This is just common in any industry. However, the more skilled you become in each of these areas, the better equipped you will be to succeed in becoming a "Great" copywriter.

Friday, November 25, 2011

The Copy-writer's "Swipe File"

The Copy-writer's Most Powerful Tool, 
"The Swipe File"
I know that you've heard this before: “If you want to succeed, all you need to do is 'model' those who have already succeeded”. For copy-writers, this advice works exceptionally well. If you're serious about learning how to write great copy that generates results, you MUST start your own swipe file today.

Not all swipe files are created equal, some actually work better than others. So let me share with you some tips to start your own swipe file and how build it up to be one of the most powerful copy-writing tools in your bag-of-tricks.

What is a swipe file?
Simply put, a swipe file is a box, a folder, or a catalog where you collect winning copy-writing examples: headlines that catch your attention, e-mail promos that stand out from the rest, intro paragraphs that pull, catchy phrases or slogans and even graphics, photos or complete website designs that enhance the content (copy).

If you don’t have a swipe file yet, you need to make it your top priority, and start one now.  Here’s how to do it.  Get yourself one of those plastic folder organizers and start labeling them... OR do it similarly with your "digital" file on your computer. The key is to keep it organized, immediately accessible, and update it daily! 

Here is a suggestion about how you might organize your copy-writing swipe file in these 6 main categories:
1) Headlines
2) Intros
3) Body copy
4) Visual copy
5) E-mail promotions.
6) Closes, offers & guarantees

There are two schools of thought regarding the media for your Swipe-File. One is make your swipe file 100% physical. The other is 100% digital. Either is fine. Any mix is also great, as long as you remind yourself constantly to include good copy-writing from every source possible. Your swipe file should have magazine or e-zine clippings, newspaper or banner ads, promo postcards, sales letters, etc.

The more complete your swipe file is, the more powerful it will become as a copy-writing tool. Keep your eyes open at all times and grow your swipe file by adding at a bare minimum one entry each day.

Adding things that catch your eye is perfectly fine. After all, if it catches your attention, chances are it will work the same way with others. However, you should always be on the look for proven ads. These are the type of ads that run over and over again… this most likely means that the ad is working! It means that it's making money for that company.

Another way that you can increase the power of your swipe file is by accessing or joining sites like the Easy-Writers Marketing Club, or the Monthly Copywriting Genius(both highly recommended resources). They have already done the homework by selecting a winning copy-writing piece and analyzing it for you.

Keep in mind a critical item to note regarding your swipe file is not to blatantly copy the wording of piece. This would constitute infringement of copyright laws which you should avoid at all costs. The purpose of your swipe file is to help you generate ideas.

Thumb through your Swipe file to find inspiration on a new hook or angle to write your next piece. Read some good headlines to get your brain in the mood to write new ones, etc.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Warning - Fast Cash Commissions - $49.00

Caveat Emptor! (Buyer Beware)
Warning - Fast Cash Commissions - $49.00 

Other Keywords:, Anthony Morrison
Filed Under: Work-from-Home Scams | Get-Rich-Quick Scenario, aka:"GRQS"
Article Information Source(s):

Many of us have seen Anthony Morrison on TV and in several videos.  I'll just say that this fellow is convincing.  His story is captivating.  He mentally draws you into an emotional state.....   And to the unwary (or even the "weary") mind the initial offer is downright seductive!

AND, I actually see some of my most seasoned teammates "affiliated" with this very product!  Tell ya what, THAT was the clincher for me. THAT was SOCIAL PROOF for me...!!

Despite what I'd learned about the art of the "scam" and/or "Get-Rich-Quick-Scenario" over recent years of internet marketing, I was drawn in.  I was one click away from buying into it!  Right up to the point of "Click here for final confirmation", my mind was blaring: "You've got to be more decisive",  "Make a choice, do it now!",  "It's only $50 bucks", "It just MAY be the one!".  "If a trusted mate was selling this, well it just HAS TO BE REAL, right?"

My cursor was literally hovering over "Buy Now"; my index finger was poised on my mouse's left click button.  I watched my finger twitch a bit.  Then I heard something.  It started as a whisper of a voice that said "Psst... pssst....would it hurt to just do a quick search?"  Another voice bellowed "BE DECISIVE... CHOOSE NOW.. DON"T ANALYZE IT TO DEATH!"  The whisper said "Hey not for nothin, $50 bucks buys a lot of cat food!.... 10 minutes more really won't make that much difference, right?"...

Soooo, I "googled it"...  found a lot of hype articles, likened to spotlights scanning the night sky to get your attention, (which is par for the course)... and a few tiny "flashlight beams" scanning the scene on the ground (like a bunch of CSI agents looking for evidence)....  Here's what one of those "flashlight beams" came across in, an excellent resource for scam checking:         

Notes: Get-rich-quick scenario claiming it holds the secrets to getting rich online. The site promotes a lot of misinformation aimed at selling itself yet most of the information it offers in its long winded sales video is just total nonsense, with hyped lingo like "money loves speed" and other sales drivel to make it appears that getting rich online is fast and easy, as soon as you give Mr. Morrison money, that is.

While this site does provide marketing information, the video sales pitch is just too misleading and promotes a skewed, confused look into Internet marketing. Additionally Anthony Morrison also made the mistake of making his "thank you for purchasing" pages public to search engines (the pages you see after buying the initial product) and the site clearly relies heavily on the pressure upsell tactic - whereby upon buying the product, victims are immediately pressured into buying lots of extras to get the initial product to work - a really dubious marketing tactic.

We try to not call many get-rich-quick scenarios outright scams because this implies that they scam you in the sense of taking your money and giving nothing in return, when this is not the case. Most get-rich-quick scenarios listed on this site do provide marketing information and sometimes advice for people who sign up, but they are listed on this site because of the misinformation they promote in the sales pitches on their websites and the immoral sales tactics they employ to convert sales.

The problem with get-rich-quick scenario is that they try and fool the victim into thinking that getting rich online is easily achievable providing they find the right secrets. They keep the victim believing financial freedom is nothing but a registration fee away. This is a fallacy that we work hard to try and dispel.

If a site is listed on this site under a get-rich-quick scenario, it is because its marketing practices and the way it promotes itself has been deemed deceitful, unrealistic and misleading to potential customers, and its entry on this site may not have anything to do with the actual content of the product, unless otherwise stated.

You can read more about get-rich-quick scenarios and how they can be misleading and deceitful by clicking here. As previously mentioned, we list such get-rich-quick scenario on this site because of the way they promote themselves. Not only is it unethical, but the spread of such misinformation to beginners is damaging and confusing and ultimately the downfall for so many people looking to make money online. is always getting questions about how to make money online legitimately, so they have launched a section of our site dedicated to showing what is actually involved if you do want to make money online and where you can get legitimate help without getting involved in deceitful practices which are so popular with get-rich-quick scenarios. None of the hype, just the honest, frank truth. You can jump to that section of their site by clicking here.

Ultimately it is up to the individual user whether they venture with, but we do warn users that in our educated opinion, the sales pitch of this website is massively unrealistic, and promotes a skewed and confused look into the world of Internet marketing.

Please note that as we mentioned, this review is what we present as our educated opinion, and we do not present this information as absolute fact. Expressing opinion in an online review is our protected right. As a footnote, if you are wondering why seems to get lots of positive reviews in Google and Bing Internet searches, read our blog entry here.

Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably IS.  So MAKE IT A HABIT to be diligent and just do a quick online search by adding the word ".... scam".  More often that most, you'll be astonished at what you find.  And you will not be sorry, ever!

PS: I also highly recommend that for your enhanced success that you "Comment" and "Subscribe by e-mail" (below) to this blog as well as subscribe to

Best Regards,