Friday, November 25, 2011

The Copy-writer's "Swipe File"

The Copy-writer's Most Powerful Tool, 
"The Swipe File"
I know that you've heard this before: “If you want to succeed, all you need to do is 'model' those who have already succeeded”. For copy-writers, this advice works exceptionally well. If you're serious about learning how to write great copy that generates results, you MUST start your own swipe file today.

Not all swipe files are created equal, some actually work better than others. So let me share with you some tips to start your own swipe file and how build it up to be one of the most powerful copy-writing tools in your bag-of-tricks.

What is a swipe file?
Simply put, a swipe file is a box, a folder, or a catalog where you collect winning copy-writing examples: headlines that catch your attention, e-mail promos that stand out from the rest, intro paragraphs that pull, catchy phrases or slogans and even graphics, photos or complete website designs that enhance the content (copy).

If you don’t have a swipe file yet, you need to make it your top priority, and start one now.  Here’s how to do it.  Get yourself one of those plastic folder organizers and start labeling them... OR do it similarly with your "digital" file on your computer. The key is to keep it organized, immediately accessible, and update it daily! 

Here is a suggestion about how you might organize your copy-writing swipe file in these 6 main categories:
1) Headlines
2) Intros
3) Body copy
4) Visual copy
5) E-mail promotions.
6) Closes, offers & guarantees

There are two schools of thought regarding the media for your Swipe-File. One is make your swipe file 100% physical. The other is 100% digital. Either is fine. Any mix is also great, as long as you remind yourself constantly to include good copy-writing from every source possible. Your swipe file should have magazine or e-zine clippings, newspaper or banner ads, promo postcards, sales letters, etc.

The more complete your swipe file is, the more powerful it will become as a copy-writing tool. Keep your eyes open at all times and grow your swipe file by adding at a bare minimum one entry each day.

Adding things that catch your eye is perfectly fine. After all, if it catches your attention, chances are it will work the same way with others. However, you should always be on the look for proven ads. These are the type of ads that run over and over again… this most likely means that the ad is working! It means that it's making money for that company.

Another way that you can increase the power of your swipe file is by accessing or joining sites like the Easy-Writers Marketing Club, or the Monthly Copywriting Genius(both highly recommended resources). They have already done the homework by selecting a winning copy-writing piece and analyzing it for you.

Keep in mind a critical item to note regarding your swipe file is not to blatantly copy the wording of piece. This would constitute infringement of copyright laws which you should avoid at all costs. The purpose of your swipe file is to help you generate ideas.

Thumb through your Swipe file to find inspiration on a new hook or angle to write your next piece. Read some good headlines to get your brain in the mood to write new ones, etc.


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