Saturday, May 5, 2012

One Of Those Days... ?

Well today was "one of those days"for me.

I mean it's been one of those "technically challenging"... "whatever you try will go hay-wire"... "Murphy's Law in effect here" days for me.

The day started late yesterday and seem to be still in effect at the time of this article! It's like just one thing after another seems to be literally "getting in the way of having a good day".

First, I purchased a subscription to HyperTracker yesterday, and when I went to set it up today, I couldn't access the site. I spent a ton of time trying... found that the password reset thingy didn't work...Jeeeeeze!

That they DO NOT have a customer service help desk or a number to call... and they wouldn't let me resubscribe, because I already subscribed... I MEAN, ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!

Then my Verizon Hub is going nuts... and one of several TVs in the house doesn't get On-Demand like it used to... like before that upgrade yesterday... and the TV, well it's my wife's and she's the ONLY ONE who watches On-Demand in the house!...

Spent at least 2 hrs troubleshooting to no avail... called the vendor... spent another hour or so with THEM doing almost the same thing... yup, they're sending a replacement "box" out Monday... Why ME?...

Afterward my primary workstation starts going bonkers and crashes. I lose access to my Personal Information Manager program... spend a couple of hours re-downloading and installing (several times)...

only to find that my data file was corrupted and kept trashing the new installation.... I finally got it squared away buy loading the backup file. I mean WTF is going on!

I'm asking myself "what the hell?"... really??

And just a moment ago I walked out onto my 30'x30 deck overlooking a gently bubbling Jacuzzi a level below... just to calm my jangled nerves...

I looked up and found my answer... FULL MOON!!! AHAAA, and all day long I thought it was ME!!... What a relief... WHEW! Do you realize what a relief that is... IT AIN'T MY FAULT!!!

WOW... I feel soooo much better... It's NOT ON ME... IT'S THE MOON'S FAULT!!!

Of course boys and girls, this is exactly the mentality that our general society teaches us... BY EXAMPLE from the very TOP of our government and businesses down to our children... and even inanimate objects...

... Always "Think The Worst", "Point The Finger", "Shift Blame", "Find and Assign Fault... "Don't Look Bad!!

All-in-all it's part of a Negative Attitude... And it's an example that is so pervasive that we "TEND TO ACCEPT and REPEAT IT" at almost every turn!

Of course right now you're either agreeing with me wholeheartedly or vehemently denying it... WELL IT DON'T MATTER... 'CAUSE IT IS WHAT IT IS!

As I said... a negative mentality is (for the most part) "engrained in our psyche by the folks in our environment"... AND IT'S UP TO US TO "COUNTERACT IT!

Pervasive and Mentally Contagious

Just as an example, as you were reading this article (Or when a friend approached you with a similar scenario), your first reaction was to "agree, empathize, and commiserate" right.

Well in doing so, you willingly refreshed a similar scenario in your own mind... and began to succumb to those bad feelings, both mentally and then physically.

You agreed with it, because you could identify with it... and then probably started to propagate it back to the originator... AND anyone else who would listen...

That's sort of like "Viral" or "Contagious" isn't it?

And it doesn't take a stretch of the imagination to answer the question "Why does 'bad news' travel so fast?" does it!...

Answer: 'Cause WE ARE TRAINED, CONDITIONED, PSYCHED INTO THINKING "THAT'S THE WAY IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE"... and it's so much "easier" to go along with the crowd isn't it!...


MOB or GANG Mentality... call it what you want... as a population we've become so damned apathetic that "right or wrong...we just go along".

Well that's for "most folks", isn't it.

There are still some of us out here who will always "go against the grain"... "defy the odds", "dare to disagree"!

Now I want you to ask yourself... seriously...

Did you just "have one of those days"...

OR did YOU CHOOSE INSTEAD to see just how much went right today?

If you "CHOSE" the latter...

If you're NOT MOST FOLKS...


Just keep "Thinking For Yourself" and propagate THAT!


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